I cannot believe that it is February 28th! Here I am with a few of the girls who spent the night at Nancy's mom's. We had a great time!!! Lynn prepared Beef Bourguignon for all of us. There were snacks and wine galore! I brought some Foie Gras from Paris to share with our meal-yummy, yum, yum! Then we had birthday cake and de-caf coffee. We cranked the music up and danced in our jammies and talked until we couldn't complete our sentences then went to bed. We woke up this morning and had coffee and coffee cake and talked some more....
I got home around 1:00 to discover that my son, Tripp, had been throwing up all night-poor little fella'. He is resting now and I am catching up on the computer and blogging stuff since I haven't been around to do it all weekend.
So is March roaring in like a lion in your neck of the woods? We are supposed to get more snow on Tuesday of this week. March is also the countdown to my 40th birthday!!!
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