Unfortunately, I don't even have a picture for Sunday. I forgot to take one and will just have to come up with something cute to stick in the blank photo pockets! The Monday picture is of a dinner we had to celebrate my BFF's birthday. She is the cute little blonde seated 4th from the left. We had a fun girls night out at Mezzaluna's!
The second picture is from today-I got my first ever citation and was so bummed out about it-because it was soooo stupid. My driver's license expired on March 29th and the DMV office where I need to renew it is located at the bottom of the road I live on! How infuriating that I haven't bothered to renew it. Next, my tags on the back expired in March also-I didn't even know that! Last but not least, my inspection was out and I didn't even know that NC was doing those anymore. Since we don't have stickers for them, I thought they had done away with it all together. What is worse, is that after he gave me the tickets we discovered we had all these local connections-starting with his wife! I probably could have sweet-talked my way out of them all together if I had done the chatting before he wrote me the darn tickets. At any rate, I am glad I bought that bottle of wine at the grocery store this afternoon!
Now, I am off to search for a new blog background since it is a new month and I need a change of scenery around here.
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