I had several goals for Spring Break, one of them being to get caught up on my laundry. I did tons of laundry and left it sitting in the theater chairs waiting to be folded. I had all day today to work on it, even thought about trying to find a good chick flick to watch and bust it all out at one time, but that never happened. I pretty much sulked about all day since it was the last day of break.
After looking over the calendar, I felt pretty overwhelmed by the next 7 weeks. Dance recital is Saturday, May 29th, but there are a million other things that me and my family have going on between now and then. I know the time will fly by and that is part of the problem. I feel like I need a few more weeks to get ready-yet at the same time I am counting down til summer break.
I have been at a strange crossroads regarding my business this year. I realize that my children are only here with me for a few more years and I am tired of not being home with them in the afternoons. I love working, I love what I do for a living and all the wonderful little girls I get to teach everyday, but I miss my own kids terribly. That is why I am considering going back to school for my teaching license. I am trying to figure out how to do that and still work and be able to take care of my family at the same time. Thinking about all of this makes me a little nuts and one of the other things I had hoped to achieve during this break was a real plan for how to go about this. Unfortunately, that never happened either.
I feel a little bit of dread about the break ending and what I have to do over the next few weeks, but the good news is...I LOVE MONDAYS! I am one of those rare people that do and I am sure that what seems overwhelming tonight will all seem conquerable tomorrow!
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