Here is a cute, very simplistic banner my daughter and I made. We did one to hang as a valance above the cafe curtains in the kitchen and the one pictured above is tied through the drawer pulls on the buffet in the dining room. We used an assortment of cardstock and patterned papers, free-hand drew the clover, cut them out and then used a stapler to attach them to ribbon. Easy as pie and so much cuter than anything store-bought if you ask me! While we are on the subject of decorating-check out this adorable sign-I must make it for next year!
Today started off with a follow up appointment for my son after he had an EKG come back showing a mild abnormality on his right ventricle. My pediatrician reassured me that this was nothing to lose sleep over but before we can safely try an ADHD medication, further testing with the pediatric cardioligist was necessary. So he had an echocardiagram today. This procedure was painless but did require patience as it takes about 30 minutes to perform. It is much like an ultrasound when you are pregnant. A little stressful for me as I don't like seeing my kids in hospital gowns! We should have results in a few days. The longer I wait, the more I doubt the choice to try the meds.
I didn't cook a large meal to celebrate St. Paddy's since I did it on Sunday. I didn't even drink a Guiness! I had planned to make an Irish stew, but when it came down to it...I just didn't! I did finish reading my book club book for the month, Little Bee, by Chris Cleave. I also took my daughter to Michael's to get some jewelry making supplies, while Tripp was home playing with his friend who is sleeping over since they are on break. I also worked today, so it's not like I didn't do anything. I just didn't cook!
I'm rambling, I know. I'll leave you with an old Irish blessing:
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
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