It is a real challenge to find pictures that I think are "meaningful" to me, yet interesting to someone else. I am trying to remember that the scrapbook these photos will ultimately be going into is supposed to be reflective of my everyday life. Keeping that in mind takes a little pressure off. Monday night's photo is of our happily napping dogs lying on the rug in front of the fireplace. These dogs are normally outside dogs and they have a special place in the garage for sleeping on cold nights, however it has been too cold to let them sleep there for the last month! Luckily they are both house-broken and are pretty well behaved when inside. They provide a great source of entertainment for our two spoiled rotten cats. This picture is a treasure for the future because it is of our sweet furry family members. Steady, the white dog is an
American Eskimo bought on
puppyfinder.com to help mend our broken hearts when our old dog Murray passed away in 2006. The black dog, Bandit, is our pound puppy and he is a
Spanador (a cocker spaniel-labrador mix.) We rescued him from our local animal control to give Steady a playmate in 2007.
Awww.... your fur babies are just beautiful!! :) Is that a smile on Steady's face?? Sure looks like one :) They both look very comfy/cozy!