Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gratitude Journal and February check-in

So far, 2014 is off to a great start.  I have been trying lots of new recipes from my 10,000 Vegan Recipes cookbook I got for Christmas.  I have also been doing several different workout dvd's, in addition to my usual morning yoga.  I feel myself getting stronger each week.
I have kept up with my gratitude journal on a daily basis.  I have not yet printed out any pictures to go in the extra pockets for each week, though.  Will do that soon...

This past week, I had an unexpected 4 days out of school (which we don't have to make up-YAY!) due to snow.  It was so beautiful and couldn't have come at a better time.  I did some baking, more involved cooking, read A LOT, and just enjoyed hiking through the snow and being lazy when I felt like it.  

Now, as I prepare to go back to work on Tuesday, I am trying to tame the paper that abounds around here. Will work diligently tomorrow before it is back to the "grind".  

Check out my flickr album for the gratitude journal, thus far.  

Also, a few snow pics from around our yard.

Hope you are having a Happy Winter!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 from my home to yours!

Sadly, it has been a full year since my last post.  2013 was a good year, for the most part.  I had to make some life choices that didn't seem aligned with personal goals and dreams, but it was truly the responsible, mature thing to do and I know it was the right thing to do. I can reflect on 2013 and be proud that my family has spent a lot of time having fun together, we have had some amazing times with friends, I became a vegan (accidentally) and lost 15 pounds as a result, I added yoga into my life and a lot more exercise on a daily basis than in the past. Good stuff!
This year, however, I do intend to go boldly in the direction of my dream. That will require some very strategic planning, a lot of organizing, and a lot of saving.

 I have made a few resolutions for the year.  
They are as follows:

1-self care (in all the ways you can think of from taking off my make-up at night, to flossing, to rest, daily exercise, and bubble baths)
2-organizing, purging, cleanliness (getting my house back in order)
3-frugal living (trying not to buy anything unnecessary for a  year)
4-face my fears of career change
5-connect with long distance family and friends on a more regular basis
6-only positivity in my thoughts, speech, action
On another note, I kept a daily gratitude journal in 2013.  I wrote in it EVERY single night before turning out my light to go to bed.  My life is full of blessings and things to be grateful for.  To continue that good feeling, I am going to combine the Project Life idea with a gratitude journal and using supplies I already have, create a scrapbook of gratitude for the year.  
I'll plan to post my pages weekly to keep me motivated!

All the best in the coming year!