Thursday, June 10, 2010


Just when I was determined to "be back" I went MIA again. I am having a lot of trouble getting back in the swing of things. I am certainly not in summer mode yet because I am busy doing a pre-school dance camp this week. I am also feeling totally overwhelmed by the mounting housework that needs to be done and my complete lack of motivation to get to work on it. I am sick of hearing myself complain and am contemplating starting another blog just on that subject altogether. I will say that I have at least been taking the pictures for this photo a day project, but I am slacking off on blogging them here. Bear with me a little bit longer and I will get my head back on straight and start sharing them again....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

She's Back!

I cannot believe I haven't uploaded a picture or made a post since May 12th-YIKES!!!! I have been taking pictures, but the month of May kicked my butt and there has not been any extra time to make blog posts. I know I don't have a huge following that this effects, but I have missed it terribly. I am not going to go back and upload that many photos but you will have the opportunity to see them in my finished Project Life pages when I have the chance to catch up on all that. As for now, I happily welcome the month of June and all the bliss of summer break. We'll start with my photo from Memorial Day, my children's last day of school.